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Cheryl+Todd | Engagement

Earlier this month I had the joy of photographing a young couple in love that were engaged to be wed! It was probably one of the easiest engagements I’ve done. The second they sat down, they started naturally playing with that toy dragon and I simply had to aim my camera and click away. Just to give the readers a little background about this couple, that dragon was not just any ordinary dragon. It was the very dragon where Todd ::in shining armor:: stepped up, fought and won against inorder to rescue his lovely fair maiden. He did all this so that he could ask for her hand in marriage. Cool story eh? I wish I could have documented that day. Anyways, I hope you all enjoy the images. Until next time!

Aunt Mary Lichtenberger - October 9, 2011 - 6:41 am

Hi Cheryl and Todd…I just looked at your engagement pics on your blog site! They are adorable!

I love the two with the dragon-on-heads! And the very, very sweet close-up in the rocky tower.

Its obvious from the way that you look at each other that you are very much in love. Your photographer did a very nice job capturing that.

You look like the most fun couple ever! :o)

I can’t wait to see you again Cheryl and to meet Todd…I also can’t believe how much you resemble your mom when she was your age. When I look at your pics I immediately go to “Sandy” in my mind. She was so cute. I always envied her great hair.

Hope everything this week goes smoothly for you two and count on a lot of hugs from me.
Aunt Mary

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